07 setembro 2009

Conhecendo o Canadá: Niagara Falls

At the outflow of Lake Erie into Lake Ontario and a 90 minute drive from Toronto, the natural wonder of Niagara Falls is one of the most famous places on earth, and about half of it lies in Canada. With its thunderous curtain of cascading waters that you can see from beside, on top or even from underneath, the incredible uniqueness and panoramic beauty of Niagara Falls are two of the main reasons why most visitors hop aboard the Maid of the Mist boat to ride right up close to the action.

2 comentários:

Unknown disse...

hahaha no inverno é lindão tb, mas já pensou se vc escorrega no gelo e cai lá? hahahahaha

Juliana Guimarães Lyra disse...

Que lindo!! Ai, que saudade!! É muito maravilhoso tudo aquilo!! E quando eu fui nevava muito e ainda assim estava belíssimo!
Quero voltaaaaar!!